Tianhao Wu

‘Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think.’ --- Albert Einstein



I’m a senior undergraduate student from the University of Southern California graduating in Dec 2024. I’m double majoring in Applied and Computational Mathematics (AMCM) and Computer Engineering and Computer Science (CECS). I’m going for a PhD after graduation.

I’m broadly interested in control theory, formal methods, and machine learning with applications in robotics and autonomous systems, especially in topics such as:

(1) safe learning

(2) autonomous driving

(3) interpretability and safety for AI systems

Hobby: Rubik’s Cube blindfolded (3x3x3)

Fun fact: besides my favourite quote by Einstein above, I also love the following claim by the great mathematician Gauss that, ‘Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number-theory the queen of mathematics.’ I first read it in my number theory textbook. I wasn’t able to taste the beauty of this sentence until I watched this wonderful video by 3 Blue 1 Brown (jump to 2:20 to save some time). I just couldn’t described how fascinating it is to simply see that “it all just happened”, beyond imagination.

(Last update: Sep 19, 2024)


Sep 19, 2024 Visiting student in CMU Safe AI Lab, supervised by PhD candidate Yaru Niu and Prof. Ding Zhao.
Jun 1, 2024 Research intern in CUHK Deep Vision Lab, supervised by Dr. Yukang Chen and Prof. Jiaya Jia.
Apr 3, 2023 Selected as one of the five students from the ECE department as MHI undergrad scholars for 2023-2024.
Jan 1, 2022 All past news